Plans for Repurposing Tree Limbs

It's months before spring, and that means I've been busy getting ready and planning. I've been getting my beds ready by adding compost and turning the beds mostly. Who wants to see those beautiful photos? I also want to clear out some weed trees that are blocking the south sun. Since there isn't grass in these areas, it will be an easy transition. This won't be my first deforesting project. I did this last year as my very first blog post.  This time I plan to reuse what I cut down as much as possible. I dread the labor, but I can't wait to build a few garden accessories. 

Last year I was a serious offender when it came to not labeling my plants. This year, I'm going to plan ahead, because I've already purchased many of my seeds. I even have the alphabet stamps from a previous project gone bad.

This pole bean tee-pee isn't on the top of my list, but if I have enough left overs, this will be easy to install. 

My cucumber trellis won't be made of this nice lumber but more of a handmade look via weed trees. It should be a nice place for leafy greens in the heat of the summer.

This is where all of my inspiration came from. An arbor: built from hand, grown from my backyard. I love it! Mine is really beautiful in my head. I'm not sure I'll have a gate, but an overhead structure of some kind will be perfect for my runner beans.

My plan of simply cutting trees and making garden accessories are coming together. Hopefully, I will be posting these exact photos of my own post timber, pre-spring.

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